Title: Compromises Fandom: The Avengers (movie verse) Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Rating: PG-13 Word count: 182 Warnings: none Challenge: #035 Fast Food Notes: Just some fluff because there's lack of Bruce!fluff.
Title: A Snack Author: I_llbedammned Fandom: X-Men, Spider-Man Characters/Pairing: Carnage, Kitty Pryde Rating: M Challenge: #35: Fast Food Warnings: Character Death, blood and gore Word Count: 500
Title: Glimmer of Kindness Author: Kat Lee Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters/Pairing: Toad, Brotherhood Ensemble Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: #35: Fast Food Word Count: 500 Summary: ( No one seems to care about Toad. )
You have time as long it's next Friday in your time zone. You can write up to 500 words for each individual drabble/ficlet, but no higher. All comic-based fandoms are welcome. For more detailed rules and the posting format, please visit this post.
Also you can still submit works for the previous challenge. You have
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